
Learning to Credential

Due to the nature of the system, we start with the Credential and work backwards. Ah. This is further illustrated…

9 years ago

Assessment System Design

How do you design an Assessment System? Patrick Craven from City & Guilds says that credibility is formed of three…

10 years ago


I really enjoy trying to find visual metaphors for abstract concepts. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No,…

10 years ago

Prescriptive vs Descriptive Pathways

It took me a while to come up with this pathways metaphor, following a conversation with @dajbelshaw - oddly enough…

10 years ago


Need to know more about OpenBadges? Check out #OB101...

10 years ago

Qualification Sweet Spot

One thing I've learnt from being part of City & Guilds, is that it's not easy getting a public funded…

10 years ago

Soft skills aren’t so soft

I liked this thought about "soft" skills by Beverley Oliver, at #epforall Barcelona Indeed, as Scott Wilson commented, they are…

10 years ago

Why can’t we be tested on what we learn?

This comment by a student at a college was overheard by Martin King - and so well put that I…

10 years ago

What makes good evidence?

I've learnt a lot about what makes good evidence from talking with people at City & Guilds (who are a…

10 years ago

The Misleading Tower of PISA

I created this image for Pasi Sahlberg relating to their article in the Washington Post debating the need for PISA…

10 years ago