It took me a while to come up with this pathways metaphor, following a conversation with @dajbelshaw - oddly enough…
This is a generic version of the badge cycle visual thought I created for the BBC. In it I'm trying…
When thinking about Open Badges, its easy to get stuck on the paper certificate paradigm and think about why an…
I liked this thought about "soft" skills by Beverley Oliver, at #epforall Barcelona Indeed, as Scott Wilson commented, they are…
I met some excellent people from JISC at the EPIC conference in Barcelona (2015). Simon Whittemore discussed using Open Badges…
This is a thought inspired by the Open Badges conference organised by @szerge in Barcelona recently. I am increasingly aware…
Here's a thought from a conversation with @szerge at the EPIC conference in Barcelona. The underlying message points to the…
"When you are deep into designing your badge system, pause. Look outward: consider the bigger picture that your earner will…
This thought was created for Doug Belshaw's DML blog entitled "Extending Badges".