
Prescriptive vs Descriptive Pathways

It took me a while to come up with this pathways metaphor, following a conversation with @dajbelshaw - oddly enough…

10 years ago


Need to know more about OpenBadges? Check out #OB101...

10 years ago

The Badge Cycle

This is a generic version of the badge cycle visual thought I created for the BBC. In it I'm trying…

10 years ago

A certificate is just an offline badge

When thinking about Open Badges, its easy to get stuck on the paper certificate paradigm and think about why an…

10 years ago

Soft skills aren’t so soft

I liked this thought about "soft" skills by Beverley Oliver, at #epforall Barcelona Indeed, as Scott Wilson commented, they are…

10 years ago

The T-shaped Student

I met some excellent people from JISC at the EPIC conference in Barcelona (2015). Simon Whittemore discussed using Open Badges…

10 years ago

Levelling the Playing Field

This is a thought inspired by the Open Badges conference organised by @szerge in Barcelona recently. I am increasingly aware…

10 years ago

Social Fabric

Here's a thought from a conversation with @szerge at the EPIC conference in Barcelona. The underlying message points to the…

10 years ago

A Constellation of Pathways

"When you are deep into designing your badge system, pause. Look outward: consider the bigger picture that your earner will…

10 years ago

Open Badges – now with Endorsements

This thought was created for Doug Belshaw's DML blog entitled "Extending Badges".

10 years ago