
Open Badges (P.S. there’s data inside…)

Open Badges seem so simple, don't they? But wait - don't make assumptions - ask questions! They've got stuff inside.…

9 years ago

Let’s just badge everything

This week, the team at the University of Southampton organised an excellent Open Badge conference, which I really enjoyed taking…

9 years ago

What’s inside an Open Badge

It's easy to talk about open badges without really understanding what's inside (it’s just a digital badge, right?)  There’s actually…

9 years ago

Digital Skills Sandwich

Sandwich anyone? I do love a good sandwich. If potatoes are the king of carbs, then surely bread is its queen?…

9 years ago

Open Badges paint a better picture…

Dr. Doug Belshaw and I got together to think visually about Open Badges resulting in the blog post "3 reasons…

9 years ago

What next for Open Badges?

Blockchain, the underlying technology used by Bitcoin, is cool. At least, I think it is, if I could only get…

9 years ago

Choosing a badging system

With any solution there are often three different approaches: bespoke, modular and off-the-shelf. Choosing the most appropriate path is more…

9 years ago

Badge Platform Questions

A while ago, Doug Belshaw and I were working on the #OB101 course, in order to help others think about OpenBadges…

9 years ago

Badge Taxonomy V0.2

This is version two of the Badge Taxonomy - the purpose of which is not to classify rogue badges -…

10 years ago


I really liked this idea from the Education Design Lab blog post Are Badges College Ready?. What would a 3D…

10 years ago