Digital Transformation Machine

This drawing was generated as a result of a great round table discussion by Digital Colleges, hosted by IBM.

9 years ago

The ETAG challenge

This image was the result of the inception meeting of the Education Technology Action Group (ETAG), with Michael Gove and…

9 years ago

The Learning Black Market

Here's a visual thought I captured from a speaker at the ALTC conference, Catherine Cronin - "...students navigate for themselves…

9 years ago

Downes Theory of Education

I've always found Stephen Downes weekly summary of all things learning tech related a source for all sorts of goodies.…

9 years ago

Reinventing yourself…

A thought captured from the Connected Courses project (connectedcourses.net) following a comment from Meredith Broussard - which struck a chord…

9 years ago

What teaching is not

This was a thought I came across whilst listening to Graham Brown-Martin's Learning {re}visited interview with Sir Ken Robinson -…

9 years ago

Online learning is an entitlement

This image was produced for Education Technology Action Group ETAG report (etag.report) and shared at the BETT show in London.

9 years ago

What if assessment was designed around me?

This image was produced for Education Technology Action Group ETAG report (etag.report) and shared at the BETT show in London.

9 years ago

Education – a thought by a bright spark

This image originally credited the statement to W.B.Yeats - although as it turns out (thanks to @edutopia) it's more likely…

9 years ago

Students and Teachers learn through doing

I met @urban_teacher at Mozfest a couple of years ago, and following a recent conversation (always inspirational...), thought that this…

9 years ago