Why can’t we be tested on what we learn?

This comment by a student at a college was overheard by Martin King - and so well put that I…

9 years ago

What makes good evidence?

I've learnt a lot about what makes good evidence from talking with people at City & Guilds (who are a…

9 years ago

We amuse young people

Yep - I think we probably do. This thought came from a Nesta Young Digital Maker session with Debbie Forster…

9 years ago

The Skills Gap

The UK has a growing skills gap. There are predicted to be over 14 million skills shortages by 2020. Created…

9 years ago

The Misleading Tower of PISA

I created this image for Pasi Sahlberg relating to their article in the Washington Post debating the need for PISA…

9 years ago

Smart kids go to Uni

Really? Maybe its just privilege, environment, and the ability to conform and perform within the system.

9 years ago

Recognition of a small step

If we change our outlook from long journeys to small steps how do that effect the landscape of learning that…

9 years ago

Open Badges

I cant remember where I came across the Maynard Keynes quote, but I immediately thought of the disruption of Education…

9 years ago


Cable Green of Creative Commons talked us through the 5 R's of OER at OER15.

9 years ago

League tables

Well, you're probably not surprised to hear that I'm not a fan of league tables. I don't think it drives…

9 years ago