Soft skills aren’t so soft

I liked this thought about "soft" skills by Beverley Oliver, at #epforall Barcelona Indeed, as Scott Wilson commented, they are…

10 years ago

Levelling the Playing Field

This is a thought inspired by the Open Badges conference organised by @szerge in Barcelona recently. I am increasingly aware…

10 years ago

Social Fabric

Here's a thought from a conversation with @szerge at the EPIC conference in Barcelona. The underlying message points to the…

10 years ago

Awesome Awards

Some very wise words from Charles Kennedy that I came across the day he died. In the last couple of…

10 years ago

A Constellation of Pathways

"When you are deep into designing your badge system, pause. Look outward: consider the bigger picture that your earner will…

10 years ago

Open Badges – now with Endorsements

This thought was created for Doug Belshaw's DML blog entitled "Extending Badges".

10 years ago

I am more than just my grades

When you hire a person what do you look for? I look for what I would call character, and a…

10 years ago

Education Technology

I love Lego, and I wonder how much it played a part in feeding my creative (and constructivist) side. Problem…

10 years ago

Badge Taxonomy

As part of our work for City and Guilds, Doug Belshaw and I decided to formulate a Badge Taxonomy -…

10 years ago

Why I love my MOOC

The last MOOC I completed (the science of everyday thinking, University of Queensland) was one of the best learning experiences…

10 years ago