
The Articulation of an Idea

Fundamental Cognitive Error: that we see the world as it actually is, and therefore that everyone else sees the world…

9 years ago

A Conspiracy of Manipulation

It's not easy to think for yourself when you're constantly being manipulated. This visual thought was for a talk I…

9 years ago

In all things…

"In all things, It's better to hope than to despair..." Goethe. I saw this thought and had to draw it.

9 years ago

Linear vs Non-linear learning

I don't think we learn well in straight lines - at least I don't. To learn is to understand, to…

9 years ago

Digital Transformation Machine

This drawing was generated as a result of a great round table discussion by Digital Colleges, hosted by IBM.

9 years ago

Getting your idea off the ground

This visual thought was a result of a meeting hosted by the Forward Foundation, including Nominet Trust, Big Lottery, and…

9 years ago

Education is Changing

However, here's a visual thought I captured from a speaker at the ALTC conference, Catherine Cronin, care of a quote…

9 years ago

6 things every story needs

This thinking came from a workshop at the Forward Foundation looking at Storytelling. David Campbell took us through an excellent…

9 years ago

Downes Theory of Education

I've always found Stephen Downes weekly summary of all things learning tech related a source for all sorts of goodies.…

9 years ago

Oh to be a C.I.C.

Oh, to be a C.I.C... When we formed wapisasa, we wanted to pin the social aspects to our foreheads so…

9 years ago