A littleĀ bit tongue in cheek here, I know, but do you ever get the feeling that it's very hard for…
Steve Wheeler wrote a blogpost a while back and this phase about Formative and Summative assessment caught my eye. It's…
What if Amazon did learning? Or at least the Amazon prediction engine. Might a system be able to suggest items…
This thought was created as part of a collaboration between Doug Belshaw and myself. If you haven't already its worth…
It's not easy to think for yourself when you're constantly being manipulated. This visual thought was for a talk I…
"In all things, It's better to hope than to despair..." Goethe. I saw this thought and had to draw it.
I don't think we learn well in straight lines - at least I don't. To learn is to understand, to…
This drawing was generated as a result of a great round table discussion by Digital Colleges, hosted by IBM.
This visual thought was a result of a meeting hosted by the Forward Foundation, including Nominet Trust, Big Lottery, and…
However, here's a visual thought I captured from a speaker at the ALTC conference, Catherine Cronin, care of a quote…