
Eyes wide open

This piece of thinkery was created in collaboration with Doug Belshaw for FE Week - there's something about how an…

10 years ago

Verbal Sunshine

Isn't it though? I need all the encouragement I can get - so it only makes sense that I should…

10 years ago

Your Experiences have value

I now realise that we are our experiences, and due to having associative brains, the product of our individual experiences…

10 years ago

Why I love my MOOC

The last MOOC I completed (the science of everyday thinking, University of Queensland) was one of the best learning experiences…

10 years ago

Why can’t we be tested on what we learn?

This comment by a student at a college was overheard by Martin King - and so well put that I…

10 years ago

We teach Maths like a dead language

I've come across too many people who shudder at the thought of maths. The damage has already been done. To…

10 years ago

The Thinkathon

One of our sweet spots at wapisasa is the Thinkathon. We facilitate a (fairly intensive) thinking session with you (the…

10 years ago

A visit to the Tate Modern

A visit to the Tate Modern, and I can't help but draw some pleasing orange blobs...

10 years ago

Smart kids go to Uni

Really? Maybe its just privilege, environment, and the ability to conform and perform within the system.

10 years ago

Open Badges

I cant remember where I came across the Maynard Keynes quote, but I immediately thought of the disruption of Education…

10 years ago