A few years ago, I completed a MOOC (massive open online course) on the Science of Everyday Thinking. I really…
The idea of the "reading circuit" really helped me understand dyslexia a bit better. Fluency takes effort. I've always been…
My wife is my signpost - for some things, anyway. She reads faster than me and tells me of books…
As a kid in a classroom, I didn't question it. I took what was laid before me, in the environment…
The lecture. At home, at school, and at church. I've had so many, but can recall very few... The group.…
In the olden days, knowledge existed hidden away in pockets, which was fine if you knew which pocket and had…
When I was at University, the word "engineer" had some odd connotations in my head. Geeky, sterile, boring. It seemed…
Due to the nature of the system, we start with the Credential and work backwards. Ah. This is further illustrated…
Sandwich anyone? I do love a good sandwich. If potatoes are the king of carbs, then surely bread is its queen?…
This nugget of cheesy thinkery came from hearing Sal Khan speak at the BETT show. He talked about kids having…