

If you're anywhere near the land of EdTech, then it's worth reading this piece on Edtech Agitprop by Audrey Watters…

5 years ago

Reflective vs Reflexive Practice

I've been creating visual landscapes with people from the Chartered Institute of Professional Development recently, and in one of the…

5 years ago

Whose Knowledge?

The lovely thing about Mozfest, is that you can rock up to a session, already in mid-flow, and learn new…

5 years ago


Inspired by For-profit, faux-pen, and critical conversations about the future of learning materials - a blog post by Rajiv Jhangiani.

5 years ago

Quant + Qual

On creating some Visual Thinkery for Tabetha at Timmus, our conversation touched on the differences between quantitative and qualitative analysis.…

6 years ago

Sparks of Openness

Working in the open - it often feels counter-intuitive. What if someone criticises my half-baked idea? What if they make it…

7 years ago

Embed Practice

Whilst prepping for a design-a-thon for a digital literacies MOOC for teachers with my We Are Open colleagues, we talked…

7 years ago

SATs – they don’t tell you.

Meaningless, meaningless all is meaningless... ...and mildly oppressive. Does a filter bubble exist where everyone in it thinks SATs are actually…

7 years ago

We make this road by walking

Catherine Cronin put me on to the book "We make the road by walking" by Paulo Freire and Miles Horton.…

7 years ago

Open Badges 2.0

I attended the badge summit in London last week. I had the opportunity to visually digest the chatter from different speakers regarding V2…

7 years ago