Recently, I was asked to speak at Coventry University's Disruptive Media Lab Open week. Another of the speakers was Nishant…
The older I get, the more I am aware of the multidirectional aspects of learning. I like to explore and…
What if Amazon did learning? Or at least the Amazon prediction engine. Might a system be able to suggest items…
This flow was created for Ralph Rivera at the BBC to illustrate how badges could be used to recognise Knowledge,…
Here's a thought from Bob Harrison, of FELTAG fame. I think its a good one.
We'll it's alright for me. When I was your age, Higher Education was free. And they gave out grants for…
Whilst at BETT this year, I got the opportunity to hear Sir Ken Robinson speak. Here's one of his off-the-cuff…
I don't think we learn well in straight lines - at least I don't. To learn is to understand, to…
The Digital Skills Sandwich illustrates how a fluid de-centralised community approach to badging could fit between the underlying Mozilla web…
However, here's a visual thought I captured from a speaker at the ALTC conference, Catherine Cronin, care of a quote…