
An engineering state of mind

When I was at University, the word "engineer" had some odd connotations in my head. Geeky, sterile, boring. It seemed…

9 years ago

Changing your world view

This looks all wrong, doesn't it? The thing is, it's not at all easy to change your current world view.…

9 years ago

Learning to Credential

Due to the nature of the system, we start with the Credential and work backwards. Ah. This is further illustrated…

9 years ago

Digital Skills Sandwich

Sandwich anyone? I do love a good sandwich. If potatoes are the king of carbs, then surely bread is its queen?…

9 years ago

Swiss Cheese Knowledge Gaps

This nugget of cheesy thinkery came from hearing Sal Khan speak at the BETT show. He talked about kids having…

9 years ago

Personal Learning Network (PLN)

Twitter. Its like this thing, yeah, that you tweet stuff, yeah, but like you're only allowed like 140 characters yeah…

9 years ago

Creativity in Schools

I watched this video clip of Dylan Wiliam talking about how important creativity in schools is. I worry - and…

9 years ago

The Four Elements of Studentship

I met John Webber from Sussex Downs College recently, and discovered a number of common interests, including Open Badges. He…

9 years ago

River of Education

I was reading this bit of fluid thinking by Aaron Davis and this thought popped in to my head, so I had to…

9 years ago

Higher Education

Ok. If you're an academic, and Higher Education and formal learning is the pinnacle of all knowledge and wonderment, then…

9 years ago