
Changing your world view

This looks all wrong, doesn't it? The thing is, it's not at all easy to change your current world view.…

9 years ago

Digital Skills Sandwich

Sandwich anyone? I do love a good sandwich. If potatoes are the king of carbs, then surely bread is its queen?…

9 years ago

The Four Elements of Studentship

I met John Webber from Sussex Downs College recently, and discovered a number of common interests, including Open Badges. He…

9 years ago

Ideation and thinkery…

Oh, the need for a creative process in order to ideate and innovate! In my experience, people have different strengths…

9 years ago

What next for Open Badges?

Blockchain, the underlying technology used by Bitcoin, is cool. At least, I think it is, if I could only get…

9 years ago

Digital DNA – women in tech

The recent Digital Leaders conference was entitled “Building Digital DNA”. Jacqueline de Rojas (VP at Citrix) spoke about women in tech (or…

9 years ago

Lifelong learning

This thought came as a result of an event organised by NIACE, and was comment made by their CEO, David…

10 years ago


I came across this thought by @tomwhitby thanks to an Aaron Davis blogpost. I found something comforting it that, possibly…

10 years ago

Badge Taxonomy V0.2

This is version two of the Badge Taxonomy - the purpose of which is not to classify rogue badges -…

10 years ago


I really liked this idea from the Education Design Lab blog post Are Badges College Ready?. What would a 3D…

10 years ago