
Get users talking

How do you get a user talking about your product in an open and honest way so that you can…

4 years ago


Someone's just thrown on Superstition by Stevie Wonder, and your body tells you it's time to throw some shapes on…

4 years ago

Breaking down the problem

A few months ago, I had the pleasure of working through new Gallery features to the Fabulous Remixer Machine with…

4 years ago


Minimum Viable Product (MVP) you've probably heard of. But Minimum Lovable Product (MLP)? Put simply, it's the minimum set of…

4 years ago


Wouldn't it be like crazy silly if you built something and then your users didn't really care about the thing…

4 years ago

Empty Shelf Syndrome

Empty shelf syndrome is when those things we've been looking forward to - have become attached to - are suddenly…

4 years ago

Content is not just King…

...but King, Queen and everything inbetween. Following on from this post, the motives behind how you play your hand come…

4 years ago


Content to fill an empty page. Is that all I am to you? Just an image for someone to notice?…

4 years ago

A slip of the tongue

Sometimes, a slip of the tongue presents itself as an opportunity to join things together that should never be joined…

4 years ago

What you don’t know you don’t know.

In any problem space, there's the stuff you know you know (I know the parts we need to make this…

4 years ago