
A co-operative state of mind

When a friend of mine asked if I'd be interested in forming a Co-op, I had to admit, I'd never…

8 years ago

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

Once introduced to some amateur psychology, there's no turning back. We seem to be wired to draw causative connections between…

8 years ago

Copyright vs. Creative Commons

Copyright and Creative Commons licences come from totally different directions. I was talking with Kamil from Creative Commons about certificates…

8 years ago

Any questions?

I'd never really thought about it before, but at school I never asked any questions - I didn't want to…

9 years ago

Wot we need is more grammar schools

With all the backward-ness around the teaching of grammar at primary school (talk to any primary school teacher, and you'll…

9 years ago

Chicken and Egg…

I couldn't make it to ISTE 2016, so instead I joined Doug Belshaw, Noah Geisel and Ian O'Byrne remotely for…

9 years ago

Brexit: The nation speaks

I think we'll be trying to figure out what the nation actually said for many years to come. That's if…

9 years ago


If I was democracy, I'd be pretty pissed off - getting trotted out once in a generation only to be…

9 years ago

Pull yourself together

In the last couple of years I've increasingly reflected on my own mental health, and those of the people I…

9 years ago

An oppressive education

To love learning. Is this not the very purpose of life? But this is the stuff you need to know — just…

9 years ago