When we think about how to solve a problem we can only really use what we've come across before. We…
What can't you make from a box of wheat pops? When you're trying to solve the problem with technology there's…
I’m guilty of thinking that “user” is a gender-neutral term. It turns out that this is rarely the case. By…
Last week I was facilitating a Think-a-thon with a WeAreOpen client in Edinburgh alongside co-op member Grainne Hamilton. We were…
"We're going to start issuing digital badges." Great. Make sure you stand in the shoes of the people you intend…
Together with Doug Belshaw and WeAreOpen Co-op I've been working a micro-credentialing project with the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington D.C. On the second day…
Anywhere there's innovation being touted, good ol' Blockchain won't be far away. There's no end to the possible adventurin'. Embrace…
It feels like I'm missing something. I wonder if there's a record-setting sporting contest I need to witness. Um... nope. I wonder…
I attended the badge summit in London last week. I had the opportunity to visually digest the chatter from different speakers regarding V2…