
Fruit of the Commons

Before I started drawing, I was only remotely aware of Creative Commons - if at all. I remember coming across…

8 years ago

Creative Commons – which role do you play?

In my experience, the awareness of what exactly the Creative Commons is, and what rights it affords you with respect…

9 years ago

The Hunch

How little we know of the opportunities life has ahead of us. I often follow my hunch - that warm…

9 years ago

That creative commons feeling…

People sharing insights from their sweet-spots of expertise wrapped in Creative Commons licensing shared socially — surely that would be beneficial for…

9 years ago


We are nodes on a network. We're influenced by others. We, in turn, can influence others. Our creations contain flavours…

9 years ago

Participatory Culture

I zoomed in to Catherine Cronin's talk on "If open is the answer, what is the question?" at the recent…

9 years ago

Notice and wonder

Wondering, always wondering. The more I wonder, the more I notice. The more I notice, the more I wonder…

9 years ago

Conversational Thinkery

One of the areas I really enjoy is what I call Conversational Thinkery. Listening to a podcast, or being part…

9 years ago

Mr Unlucky

I absolutely love this. The handy work of my 11-year-old...

9 years ago


It was Irish farmer practicality meets home improvement engineering. My gran grew the flowers. My mum dried them. And I,…

9 years ago