
First Principles

Nothing's ever fair, is it? If you'd like to wilfully lose 13 minutes of your busy life, you could watch…

5 years ago

19 Alternative Anniversaries

We're married 19 years - what is that? Nearly Sapphire? Stainless Steel? Blotting paper? This year, instead of writing me…

6 years ago

Blues Brother, Soul Sister

As my head hasn't really returned from holidays yet, the rest of me is very susceptible to falling down a…

6 years ago

Problematic Portraits

It seems that practically the whole of the known internet (more than 5 people) is busy doodling portraits of Colin…

6 years ago

Adventures in Blockchain!

Anywhere there's innovation being touted, good ol' Blockchain won't be far away. There's no end to the possible adventurin'. Embrace…

6 years ago

SATs – they don’t tell you.

Meaningless, meaningless all is meaningless... ...and mildly oppressive. Does a filter bubble exist where everyone in it thinks SATs are actually…

6 years ago

The early bird…

Mixed metaphor? Yes please, especially if it's silly. Is there NOTHING a three-panelled comic strip can't convey? Inspired by this tweet here about OER18.…

6 years ago

The Art of Visual Thinkery – a workshop

A while back, I was invited to lead a full day workshop on the Art of Visual Thinkery, with a focus…

6 years ago

The Principles of Makery

As I thought about the making process behind my Raspberry Pi being installed as protector of my shed from overheating, I…

7 years ago

See the why…

There's little point in constructing a website unless you know what your message is, and who you're trying to say it to. Form…

7 years ago