Shed. Check. Swiss Army Knife. Check. Soldering Iron. Check. Raspberry Pi and associated bits. Check. Motto: to solve problems and to find problems that need solving. Check…
When I was at University, the word “engineer” had some odd connotations in my head. Geeky, sterile, boring. It seemed so theoretical, so mathematical. I thought that engineers became engineers by doing an engineering degree at University.
Since those days, I’ve met engineers who have never been near a University. They are defined by a way of thinking – a spirit of engineering, if you will…
A came across this lovely Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert) quote here: Thinking like an Engineer.
Prepping for a Visual Thinking workshop at DCU in Dublin last month (part of a…
I’ve really enjoyed capturing keynotes and conversations live. It involves being playfully curious about what’s…
Back in the old days of social media, h/t was a thing. (I remember having…
I think in the early days of thinking about open credentialing, I got fixated on…