Open Badges – now with Endorsements

10 years ago

This thought was created for Doug Belshaw's DML blog entitled "Extending Badges".

I am more than just my grades

10 years ago

When you hire a person what do you look for? I look for what I would call character, and a…

Education Technology

10 years ago

I love Lego, and I wonder how much it played a part in feeding my creative (and constructivist) side. Problem…

Badge Taxonomy

10 years ago

As part of our work for City and Guilds, Doug Belshaw and I decided to formulate a Badge Taxonomy -…

Verbal Sunshine

10 years ago

Isn't it though? I need all the encouragement I can get - so it only makes sense that I should…

Your Experiences have value

10 years ago

I now realise that we are our experiences, and due to having associative brains, the product of our individual experiences…

Why I love my MOOC

10 years ago

The last MOOC I completed (the science of everyday thinking, University of Queensland) was one of the best learning experiences…

Why can’t we be tested on what we learn?

10 years ago

This comment by a student at a college was overheard by Martin King - and so well put that I…

What’s the big idea?

10 years ago

Mr Rocketship-of-an-idea. What's not to like?

What makes good evidence?

10 years ago

I've learnt a lot about what makes good evidence from talking with people at City & Guilds (who are a…