The long burn

9 years ago

A cracker of an idea. A business idea. I should start a business with this idea right now. Figure it out…

To create is to notice

9 years ago

Let there be light! And there was light, and it created a really interesting shadow... The skill of noticing detail's.…

This is my own hand

9 years ago

Listen... aha! There's one! But what does it look like? Why are they saying that? Just start drawing - let's…

Fixed Mindsets

9 years ago

Fixed mindsets. In my experience, these are easier to spot in others when you rub up against them (the mindsets…

Tests – Big in Education…

9 years ago

A few years ago, I completed a MOOC (massive open online course) on the Science of Everyday Thinking. I really…

Understanding dyslexia: the reading circuit

9 years ago

The idea of the "reading circuit" really helped me understand dyslexia a bit better. Fluency takes effort. I've always been…

Radical Pedagogy

9 years ago

My wife is my signpost - for some things, anyway. She reads faster than me and tells me of books…

Subject – Verb – Object

9 years ago

As a kid in a classroom, I didn't question it. I took what was laid before me, in the environment…

Monologue and Dialogue

9 years ago

The lecture. At home, at school, and at church. I've had so many, but can recall very few... The group.…

Bank of Education

9 years ago

In the olden days, knowledge existed hidden away in pockets, which was fine if you knew which pocket and had…