
9 years ago

What? We're out of the EU? <facepalm>

Brexit: The nation speaks

9 years ago

I think we'll be trying to figure out what the nation actually said for many years to come. That's if…


9 years ago

If I was democracy, I'd be pretty pissed off - getting trotted out once in a generation only to be…

All lies and jest…

9 years ago

In order to be a leader, you need to acquire a following. In order to acquire a common following, you…

The trio of entitled tossers

9 years ago

Much to my disappointment, it looks like this book is set to be written after all.  

A weblike existence

9 years ago

β€œThe web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect β€” to…

The four freedoms of free software

9 years ago

The four freedoms of free software - from GNU.org Created for "3 ways Open Badges work like the Web" a…


9 years ago

This is a short visual poem to myself...

Brexit Graph of Trust

9 years ago

Sorry to get all political on you, but seriously, those guys? They're not campaigning for the UK to leave the…

Properties of Open Badges

9 years ago

What distinguishes Open Badges from other types of badges? Did I mention that they're open, so you can take them…