Issuing Open Badges

8 years ago

What gives an open badge value? Well, apart from the fact that value is a conversation between two parties, I…

The Radical

8 years ago

Speak out. Listen. A radical must do both... I was first introduced to Paulo Freire by my wife, who asked…

The Recursive Spiral

8 years ago

...following a conversation with writer Ruth Culham about the relationship between formative assessment and instructional decisions— and the learning that…

Keeping badges weird

8 years ago

This thought, born in a session at Mozfest, where Mark Surman related back to the kookiness of the origins of…

The Elephant in the Classroom…

8 years ago

I have to say - I hadn't even thought about this. As an adult I'm very aware of what light…

Stickerful People

8 years ago

What's the collective noun for doodles? An infusion? A gung-ho of doodlewry? I thought so. One of the highlights of…

My Workspace

8 years ago

Whilst slacking in the Creative Commons Slack channel, a few people were sharing their remote working setups (or for distributed…

Introducing Badge News

8 years ago

If you're interested in Open Badges, you've probably asked the question well who's using them? The team at We Are…

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

8 years ago

Once introduced to some amateur psychology, there's no turning back. We seem to be wired to draw causative connections between…

Changing your mind – Ten Learnings

8 years ago

I recieve Maria Popova's Brain Pickings by email as I'm sure many of you do, and I'm often drawn in…